Thursday, 24 November 2011

#10 Wilson & Wyatt Delaney

Wilson: Do I enjoy the conventions? No, no I do not. But I do it for my brother. I personally find the whole idea positively loathsome. All these men, and they are almost all men, sloping around in denim and sport shoes and green kaki, pouring over these musty, foul smelling books full of silly stories about muscle men in their underwear? I wonder sometimes if they all gather at these foul smelling dust traps to mask their own collective pong, which let me tell you is eye watering to say the least. And why do they all have to have beards? Are we all Vikings now? Is that it? Orton would have had a few things to say about them I can tell you, Lord rest him. Ah, poor Joe. No. I do not enjoy the conventions.

Wyatt: One time there was this girl dressed as Femlocke from the Cyber Squad and her costume was very tight and showed she was pretty and I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said no and I asked her if it was because of the two heads thing and she said it was because she didn’t know me but then later when I asked her again she said it was because of the two heads things and that just made me like her more because she was honest. I imagined in my head that we kissed and her kisses tasted like chewing gum foil, sweet metallic. That’s what I imagined.

Wilson: She was very rude.  

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